International activities​

Internationally, we are part of TIAG, which is an alliance of a large number of accounting firms around the world.

We also assist with:

  • Establishing and auditing foreign subsidiaries
  • International restructuring
  • International joint taxation
  • Taking possession and vacation of property

This allows us to help your company when it grows internationally. We are always ready to give advice on tax, VAT, auditing and legal matters.​

We also work with auditing and taxation across national borders and according to international standards.

As members of the international TIAG alliance, we have access to a large network of consultants around the world. This means that any questions about international accounting and tax matters can be solved, possibly with the aid of colleagues in TIAG.

The TIAG alliance includes both accounting firms and law firms, which gives us ample opportunity to provide assistance with various types of contacts, including those that go beyond our traditional services.

Contact us

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Kontakt os​

​Kontakt os gerne gennem vores kontakt formular eller ring til os på telefon 33 93 38 34.

Første møde

Første gang vi mødes er ganske uforpligtende. Igennem en god dialog finder vi sammen ud af hvad vi kan være behjælpelige med.

Opstart af ​samarbejde

Vi påbegynder arbejdet med de ydelser vi er blevet enige om at udføre og står selvsagt klar til yderligere sparring.

Det langvarige samarbejde​

Efter vi er blevet klogere på jeres virksomhed står vi yderligere klar til rådgivning vedr. alt fra generationsskifte, yderligere finansiering og andre gode råd.


Lindevangs Allé 4

2000 Frederiksberg - rutevejledning

Phone.: 33 93 38 34


CVR: 77926410​

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