Shortly before Christmas in 2006, Bjarne Albrechtsen receives a phone call. At the other end, is a man who introduces himself as FISH! dealer in Denmark. His name is Michael Meinhardt, and he has set out to investigate the situation a more closely. Can an accounting firm create a FISH! culture based on a single book?
Michael invites Bjarne for coffee, and they have a nice meeting, where Bjarne discovers that it is more than just a book. In fact, FISH! is a comprehensive American philosophy with numerous films, books, tools, gift items courses, and train-the-trainer courses. Yet, Bjarne did perfectly well with just the one book. Still, Bjarne has become even warmer to the FISH! philosophy and buys the film to show it to his employees. Over the years, it is also turned into an in-house workshop for the entire firm.